Mastering Feline Hydration: Your Essential Guide on How to Get a Cat to Drink Water
Do you ever find yourself staring at your feline friend, wondering why they are so resistant to that water bowl? You’re not alone. Most cat parents have been on the quest of decoding this feline conundrum. We’ve all tried to trick, persuade, or outright beg our cats to drink more water. If only we could explain to them the merits of hydration! But worry not, in this article we are going to explore the feline mind, and unravel their mysterious relationship with water. We’ve also put together 9 creative ways to ensure your cat stays happily hydrated. So stick around and let’s dive right into this kitty water saga!
How to Get a Cat to Drink Water?
Encourage your cat to drink more water by frequently changing the water in their bowl, strategically placing water bowls away from their food, and introducing running water through cat fountains. You can also experiment with water temperature and flavors, incorporate wet food, and provide broths as hydrating treats.
We dive deeper into these methods and more in the rest of the article, helping you ensure that your cat is well-hydrated and content.
Understanding Your Cat’s Hydration Needs

The first step in ensuring your feline friend’s hydration is understanding why it’s so important and how much water they should be consuming daily. Let’s dive into these critical aspects, shall we?
Why is hydration important for your cat?
You might remember from middle school biology that water is the foundation of life. And that’s no different for our furballs. Water plays a crucial role in almost every bodily function in cats, including digestion, waste removal, temperature regulation, and nutrient transportation. It also helps in lubricating their joints and keeps their skin and fur healthy. And remember, a hydrated cat is less likely to suffer from urinary or kidney issues.
It’s quite simple really. Just as oil is essential for a smooth-running car engine, water is crucial for a smoothly running cat. But cats, being the mysterious creatures they are, sometimes act more like cacti than mammals when it comes to water intake. Unlike us, they don’t lose water through sweating and tend to conserve water better. But while your cat’s desert-dwelling ancestors might have gotten by on the bare minimum, for our indoor cats, hydration is vital for optimum health.
How much water should a cat drink per day?
Understanding the importance of hydration for our feline friends brings us to the next question – how much water should a cat drink in one day? The answer, like cats themselves, is slightly enigmatic and depends on multiple factors such as their size, diet, and even the climate.
A handy guide to follow is that a cat should consume about the same amount of water (in milliliters) as the number of kilocalories they eat per day. For instance, if your cat consumes around 200 kilocalories per day, they should also be drinking around 200 milliliters of water.
But the type of food your cat eats can also impact their water needs. Cats who eat dry food, for example, may need to drink more water to compensate for the lack of moisture in their meals. On the other hand, those eating wet food get a good portion of their water intake from their meals and may not need to drink as much. If you’re unsure about the balance of food and water your cat needs, check out our guide on how much you should feed your cat.
Remember, you don’t need to be exact with the measurements. The most important thing is to keep an eye on any changes in your cat’s drinking habits, as these could indicate potential health issues. Always ensure there’s fresh water available for your cat to drink when they need it.
The world of cat hydration is full of fascinating facts and helpful insights, right? And we’re just getting started!
Dehydration in Cats: What You Need to Know
Dehydration can be a serious issue for cats. It’s not simply a matter of your cat feeling a bit thirsty; dehydration can lead to serious complications and health issues if not addressed promptly. Here, we delve into the signs of a dehydrated cat, how to quickly rehydrate your pet, and what to do if a dehydrated cat isn’t urinating.
Recognizing Dehydrated Cat Symptoms
Knowing the signs of dehydration can literally be a lifesaver. Early recognition allows for prompt intervention, which can prevent further complications. Here’s what to look out for:
- Decreased skin elasticity: Gently pinch a bit of your cat’s skin (ideally, at the back of the neck). In a hydrated cat, the skin should snap back into place quickly. If it remains lifted or goes down slowly, it’s a sign of dehydration.
- Dry gums: A cat’s gums should be wet and slippery. If they feel sticky or dry, your cat might be dehydrated.
- Decreased appetite or lethargy: Dehydrated cats often show a lack of interest in food and seem listless or lethargic.
- Sunken eyes: This is a severe sign of dehydration and requires immediate veterinary attention.
- Elevated heart rate: Dehydration can cause an increased heart rate. However, this is a symptom that can only be measured by a vet.
- Less urination: A dehydrated cat may urinate less frequently than usual, or the urine may be darker and more concentrated.
The Fastest Way to Rehydrate a Cat
If your cat is mildly dehydrated, providing them with fresh water can help. However, if the cat refuses to drink, you may need to get creative.
- Wet food: Switch to canned or wet food, which contains up to 80% water.
- Flavored water: Try adding a bit of low-sodium chicken broth to their water to make it more appealing.
- Water fountain: Some cats prefer running water, and a cat water fountain might be more enticing.
- Lickable Treats: Certain pet stores carry special lickable cat food or treats that can be given to cats.
- Subcutaneous fluids: In severe cases, your vet might recommend administering fluids under the skin.
Always keep in mind, should your cat exhibit any indicators of moderate or severe dehydration, consulting with a veterinarian is an imperative step. It’s a necessary action to ensure the wellbeing and health of your feline friend.
What to do when a Dehydrated Cat Won’t Urinate?
A cat not urinating is a critical issue, whether they’re dehydrated or not. If your cat hasn’t urinated for over 24 hours, you should immediately seek veterinary help. They might be suffering from urinary blockages, which are potentially life-threatening. For a dehydrated cat, it’s crucial first to address the dehydration, and then tackle any urinary problems.
Dehydration isn’t something to be taken lightly, but by keeping an eye on your cat’s behavior and taking swift action when needed, you can ensure your feline friend stays happy and hydrated.
The Puzzling Relationship Between Cats and Water

While it may seem like cats have a complicated relationship with water, their behaviors and preferences often boil down to their wild ancestry and unique physiological attributes. Here, we’ll explore why cats may refuse to drink water and shed some light on their unique drinking behaviors.
Why do Cats Refuse to Drink Water?
The reluctance of cats to drink water can be puzzling for many pet owners. However, understanding the reasons behind this behavior can help you find effective ways to ensure your feline friend stays hydrated. Here are a few reasons why cats might be less than enthusiastic about their water bowl:
- Wild Ancestry: Cats are descendants of desert-dwelling wildcats. They are evolutionarily adapted to get most of their hydration needs from their prey, and thus may not have a strong instinct to drink water.
- Bowl Material and Location: Cats are finicky about their water bowls. Some prefer glass or ceramic bowls as they are less likely to retain odors. Additionally, cats often prefer their water to be in a separate location from their food, as in the wild, they would not eat and drink in the same place.
- Stale Water: Cats have a keen sense of taste and can detect when water has been sitting out for too long. They prefer fresh water.
- Chlorinated Water: Some cats may dislike the taste of chlorinated tap water. You may want to consider providing filtered or bottled water instead.
- Health Issues: If your cat has suddenly stopped drinking water, it could indicate a health issue. It’s crucial to consult with a vet in such cases.
Unraveling Unique Drinking Behaviors in Cats
Cats have several unique drinking behaviors that are intriguing. For example, some cats prefer running water and will drink from a dripping faucet but ignore their water bowl. This behavior harkens back to their wild roots where running water is likely fresher than still water.
Cats also have a unique drinking technique. They curl their tongue backwards to form a spoon-like shape and lap at the water, drawing it up into their mouth. This technique can be quite effective, but it can also lead to water splashes around the bowl, which some cats dislike.
Cats also prefer their water at room temperature, similar to the small animals and birds they would catch in the wild. Cold water is a foreign concept for them and they may avoid it.
Understanding these unique behaviors and preferences can provide valuable insight into how to encourage your cat to drink more water and ensure they stay properly hydrated.
9 Creative Ways to Get Your Cat to Drink More Water

From quirky drinking behaviors to specific bowl preferences, cats can indeed be challenging when it comes to ensuring proper hydration. But worry not! Here are 9 creative and effective ways to encourage your feline friend to drink more water.
1. Changing the Water Bowl Frequently
Refilling Their Water Bowl Daily
Just like humans, cats prefer fresh water. Make it a habit to replace the water in your cat’s bowl daily. You can do this during feeding times so that it becomes part of your routine.
Trying Different Types of Water Bowls
Every cat has its preference. If your cat seems uninterested in drinking from its current bowl, try using different types. Some cats may prefer glass or ceramic bowls over plastic ones because they’re better at preventing bacteria growth and odors.
2. Strategic Water Bowl Placements
Deciding on the Number and Location of Water Sources
Cats prefer to have multiple sources of water available, mimicking their natural instinct to find fresh water sources. Try placing several water bowls around your home. Cats are more likely to drink water when they come across it unexpectedly.
Separating Water and Litter Trays
Never place your cat’s water source next to its litter tray. Cats are very clean animals and may refuse to drink water near their toilet area. Keep the water bowl in a quiet and clean spot where your cat feels comfortable.
3. Opting for Running Water Solutions
Trying Out Cat Water Fountains
Some cats are attracted to the sound of running water. A cat water fountain can be a great solution to encourage more frequent drinking. It not only keeps the water fresh but also attracts your cat’s attention.
Encouraging Cats to Drink from a Fountain
If your cat seems hesitant to use the fountain, try luring it with a treat or its favorite toy. Show your cat how the fountain works by tapping the water with your fingers.
4. Playing with Water Temperature and Flavor
Adjusting Water Temperature Based on Your Cat’s Preference
Some cats might prefer room temperature water, while others might like it slightly chilled. Try to observe your cat’s drinking habits and adjust the water temperature accordingly.
Adding Flavors to Your Cat’s Water
Try adding a bit of tuna or chicken broth to the water. This can entice cats who generally show little interest in their water bowls. Just be sure the broth doesn’t contain any harmful ingredients like onion or garlic.
5. Incorporating Wet Food and Hydrating Treats
Switching to Canned Food
Wet, canned food contains a high percentage of water, helping to meet your cat’s hydration needs. If your cat primarily eats dry food, consider incorporating wet food into their diet.
Introducing Hydrating Treats
Some cat treats are specifically designed to boost hydration. They are usually filled with liquids and can be a fun and effective way to increase your cat’s water intake.
6. Exploring Broths and Soups for Hydration
Using Chicken Broth as a Hydration Solution
Chicken broth is a great way to entice your cat to ingest more fluids. Just make sure the broth is low in sodium and doesn’t contain any harmful ingredients.
Creating Homemade Cat Soup Recipes
Why not get creative and make your homemade cat soup? Combine safe and tasty ingredients like salmon, peas, and carrots in water, and your cat will be lapping up the fluids in no time.
7. Encouraging Water Intake Through Play
Fun Water Games
Some cats enjoy playing with water. Try incorporating games that involve water, like floating a toy in a shallow dish of water.
Using Toys to Promote Water Intake
There are various water-related cat toys available that can encourage your cat to drink more water. Look for those that generate interest in water, such as fountains or dripping toys.
8. Assuring Hydration During Special Circumstances
How to Hydrate a Sick Cat
If your cat is unwell and refusing to drink, consider syringe-feeding water or an electrolyte solution. However, always consult your vet before taking this step.
Ensuring Water Intake Post-Surgery
Post-surgery, cats might not drink enough water due to discomfort or lack of mobility. Keep the water bowl close to their resting area and monitor their water intake closely.
9. Adjusting the Environment
Providing Different Sources of Water
Provide different sources of water in various parts of your home. This ensures that your cat always has easy access to water, encouraging regular drinking.
Changing the Location of Water Sources to Avoid Monotony
To keep things interesting, change the location of the water sources from time to time. Cats are curious creatures, and a new spot might intrigue them to drink more.
With these tips, you should be able to help your cat maintain its hydration levels and stay healthy. Remember, changes in your cat’s drinking habits can indicate health issues, so always keep a close eye on their behavior and consult a vet if anything seems unusual.
Case Study: Learning from Lily, a Dehydrated Tabby’s Recovery Journey
It’s always insightful to have real-life examples at hand that can provide a valuable perspective on dealing with specific situations. In our case, understanding cat hydration and the potentially life-threatening risk of dehydration can be significantly helped by exploring a specific instance. Let’s dive into Lily’s journey, a tabby who overcame severe dehydration, to gather some practical insights and lessons.
Recognizing and Dealing with a Cat Not Drinking Water
Lily, a spirited tabby known for her playful antics, had been acting strange for a few days. Her owner, Sarah, noticed that Lily was not frequenting her water bowl as often as she used to. Additionally, Lily seemed lethargic and wasn’t showing her typical enthusiasm for her favorite toys.
Recognizing the changes in Lily’s behavior, Sarah started monitoring her water intake more closely. Over a couple of days, she observed a significant decrease in the amount of water Lily consumed. This lack of water consumption, coupled with Lily’s lackluster behavior, raised Sarah’s concerns. Sarah promptly reached out to her vet, relaying her observations and expressing her concerns.
Solutions Implemented and the Outcomes
Sarah’s vet commended her for her swift response. Dehydration can creep up unnoticed and quickly escalate, leading to severe health complications in cats. Lily’s vet conducted a thorough examination and confirmed that she was indeed dehydrated. In light of Lily’s condition, the vet prescribed a hydration therapy involving subcutaneous fluid administration to quickly replenish Lily’s fluid levels.
But the journey didn’t end there. It was equally important to ensure Lily resumed her regular water consumption to prevent a future episode of dehydration. Sarah and her vet discussed various ways to encourage Lily to drink more water. They decided on a multi-pronged approach.
Firstly, Sarah switched Lily’s diet to include more canned food, increasing her water intake through food. She also started refilling Lily’s water bowl more frequently, ensuring that the water was always fresh. Sarah bought a cat water fountain, as running water could be more enticing for Lily.
In addition to these changes, Sarah introduced flavored water to Lily’s regimen, using low-sodium chicken broth to entice Lily to drink more. Sarah also made it a point to encourage water consumption through play, using toys and games that involved water.
The efforts paid off. Lily started showing signs of improvement within a few days. Her energy levels were back, and she started visiting her water bowl more frequently. Sarah’s proactive steps not only helped Lily recover from a serious bout of dehydration but also instilled better water-drinking habits in her beloved tabby. Lily’s journey serves as a compelling reminder of how important it is to keep a close eye on our feline friend’s water consumption habits and act promptly if we notice anything amiss.
Wrap Up: Quenching Your Cat’s Thirst
Hydration is a cornerstone of health for every living being, and our feline companions are no exception. Ensuring that your cat drinks sufficient water is a responsibility that, while it may seem challenging, is absolutely achievable with a pinch of creativity and a healthy dose of patience. Now, let’s tackle one final pressing question and sum up what we’ve covered.
How Long Can a Cat Go Without Water Before Becoming Dehydrated?
The exact duration for which a cat can go without water varies depending on various factors like age, health status, and climate. However, typically, a cat might start showing signs of dehydration if they go without water for as little as 24 hours. This time frame is even shorter in the case of kittens or elderly cats or those with specific health conditions.
Dehydration is a serious issue and can lead to severe complications if not addressed immediately. Hence, it’s always advisable to consult a vet if you notice any signs of dehydration in your cat.
Final Thoughts and Tips on Cat Hydration
Through the course of this article, we’ve explored the importance of hydration for cats, recognized signs of dehydration, and delved into some innovative and practical ways to encourage cats to drink more water. Whether it’s switching up their diet to include more wet food, buying a cat water fountain, or being strategic about where you place their water bowls, there’s no shortage of methods to try out.
The bottom line is this: knowing your cat, their preferences, and their behaviors is key to ensuring they remain adequately hydrated. Keep an eye out for changes in their drinking patterns, activity levels, and overall behavior. It’s always better to act swiftly and consult a vet if something seems amiss.
Before we close, here’s a quick refresher of the tips we’ve covered on how to get a cat to drink water:
- Regularly refill your cat’s water bowl with fresh water
- Experiment with different types of water bowls
- Try using cat water fountains
- Consider adjusting water temperature and flavoring water with cat-safe additives
- Incorporate more wet food into your cat’s diet
- Try out hydrating treats, broths, and soups
- Make water part of playtime
- Ensure your cat is well-hydrated during special circumstances like sickness or post-surgery
- Be willing to adjust the environment, be it through the placement of water sources or their variety
Finally, remember that every cat is unique. What works for one might not work for another. Be patient and willing to experiment until you find the solution that best suits your feline friend. As you continue on this journey of ensuring your cat stays adequately hydrated, do check out more helpful content on our blog. Let’s all work together to ensure our feline friends are healthy and hydrated!
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I force my cat to drink water?
Forcing your cat to drink water isn’t advisable because it may result in stress and a potential loss of trust. Instead, use alternative tactics such as changing the water bowl, trying water fountains, adjusting the water’s temperature, or adding wet food to their diet for additional hydration.
Why won’t my cat drink from its water bowl?
Various factors can influence a cat’s refusal to drink from its water bowl, including the bowl’s material, its location, or the taste of the water. Cats instinctively prefer water sources separate from their food. Experiment with different bowls, locations, and fresh water until you find a solution your cat prefers.
How can I hydrate my cat besides water?
Offering wet food can significantly contribute to hydrating your cat because it contains approximately 80% water. Additionally, cat-friendly broths and soups can provide alternative hydration sources. It’s important to remember, though, that these methods should be used to supplement regular water intake and not replace it.
Can cats drink flavored water?
Cats can indeed drink flavored water. If your cat is particularly fussy about drinking water, adding a splash of tuna juice or chicken broth might tempt them. However, it’s crucial to avoid flavors containing ingredients that could be harmful to cats, such as onions, garlic, or certain artificial sweeteners.
Are water fountains good for cats?
Indeed, water fountains can be a brilliant hydration solution for cats. Many felines are attracted to running water, stimulating more frequent drinking. These devices also help keep water fresh. However, they require regular cleaning to prevent bacterial buildup. A well-maintained fountain can significantly boost your cat’s water intake.
Can milk hydrate cats?
While cats might enjoy milk, it’s not a suitable source of hydration. Most adult cats are lactose intolerant, which means that milk can cause stomach upset. Instead, focus on encouraging water consumption or provide specially-formulated lactose-free cat milk as a treat.